Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy Birthday to Rafa!!

last time jk was in town i was insanely sick. this was sad for a few reasons:

1. being sick sucks.
2. i miss jk and was upset i couldn't party with him.
3. i couldn't hang out with his niece because i was a petri dish of germs and snot.

but not this time:

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oh. my. god. you guysssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. look at how cute this baby is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

look at the pictures of her on jk's blog for more delicious photos of her.

jk was in town for her 1st b-day and randomly a few of us got to have dinner with rafa on her actual b-day so we got her b-day key lime pie:

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and when i say we i mean jk because he was so excited that it was his niece's b-day that he treated us all to dinner!! now that's classy.

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look how happy the jk is. after dinner we dropped rafa and her mom off at home and i discovered this picture:

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emo jk. . .look at the hair. . .i don't even know what to say. amazing.

after dropping the ladies off we made our way to the subway which ms. n and jk turned into a broadway dance party:

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when we finally got to the subway:

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jk and i had a impromptu photo shoot:

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we couldn't be any cuter if we tried.

ms. n showed us her butt:

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the train came and we got on and headed into the city. i don't have pictures of the impromptu roof party we went to but it doesn't matter -- because it lives on in my heart. . .

we love you jk!!!!!!!!

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